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Like Brushing Your Teeth

Aristotle Quote Quiet Mind Meditation

hab·it (noun) : an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary Meditation is a practice .. and the best way to make a consistent, reliable and ‘no-fuss’ practice is to make it a habit. Like brushing your teeth at night! You don’t have to re-think your commitment each night to brushing you […]

5 Tips For Those Who Struggle

Quiet Mind Meditation Yoga Posture Hand Mudra

So .. everyone has heard about the benefits of meditation .. right? Everywhere it seems meditation is being touted as the next big thing .. (hahahaha .. insert giggly laughter) .. which is just so funny given meditation has been around for thousands of years, across the globe, and within nearly every different culture and […]

What About The Research

Learn Teach

I am fully immersed in new studies at the moment .. excitedly undertaking teachings in a new meditation practice plus meditation teaching program, and loving every minute! But today I felt I had reached a tipping point in my accumulation of documents, and I really needed to take some time to get organised. Alongside the […]

What Do I Do With My Eyes?

eyes closed meditation

When discussing posture in meditation .. many people worry about .. eyes open or eyes closed? In some meditative traditions the eyes are closed during meditation; in some schools (such as Zen) the eyes are half-closed/half open and looking slightly downward; the Brahma Kumaris eyes remain fully open. Eyes are a real problem for Westerners. […]

When To Meditate

Sunrise by Unsplash

In meditation class this week a student asked .. “when is the best time to meditate?” I say .. any time.  Any. Time.  Just sit.  Just meditate. However within the ancient meditation traditions we find there is a definite leaning towards building a regular meditation practice around the ‘magic hours’ .. around the rise and […]