I learnt to meditate as a student in high school Considering this was a few years ago (yes, quite a few!) .. I now reflect on what an inspiring and forward thinking opportunity this was. And for me, it was life changing Being a student at any age is tough. Add to that, being a teenager is […]
Bouncy Bodies, Happy Minds
Bouncy Bodies, Happy Minds Fun 4- week program for PRE TEENS: – 9-14 yrs When: THURSDAYS 4.30-5.30 pm Date: 10Nov–1Dec ($80) Where: U-Bounce Beach Hub – 4/81 Beach Road , Sandringham Are you looking for a fun exercise program in a non-competitive, relaxed environment, where your children will get to explore their own bodies […]
Meditation for Exam time
I learned to meditate as a student at school. What an inspiring and forward thinking opportunity (especially given this was many years ago!). Australia is now heading into exam time again. Across schools and universities everyone is studying hard .. and so I begin to receive calls from worried parents .. seeking something .. a tool, […]
Tips for Sharing Meditation with Kids
I am often asked .. either (a) how to find time to meditate with the kids around, or (b) how to share meditation with the kids. I am fully on board with sharing meditation with your kids .. both for their own health and well-being, and for your sanity so you can meditate! My daughter […]
Morning Breath Meditation
There are many excuses in the morning to not do your meditation .. you are so tired, have so much to do, are not in the mood .. Who has the time? But this is the BEST TIME. The start of a fresh new day .. the start of untold potential .. so why wouldn’t […]
Hello .. hello .. anyone there?
Funny (not!) scene last weekend when Melbourne weather surprised us all with a beach day. A balmy, blue sky 30 degrees – and an invitation to join friends by the beach for a late lunch and catch up. Us adults went for a walk along the nearly empty beach, with the dogs racing in and […]
Meditation + Kids + Holidays
You may have you read my Snowdome metaphor (a way to view the human mind) – if not you can read it HERE – and today I read this totally BRILLIANT post on yogadork.com about a MEDITATION JAR. This was originally posted on Jugglingwithkids.com as the Mind Jar, it is described as: “A Mind Jar […]
Meditating Before Lectures = Better Grad...
A new study released by George Mason University, and published in the journal Mindfulness, has found that students provided with basic meditation instruction (consisting of only six minutes of written meditation exercises) before a lecture, scored better on a quiz that followed. The study also found that the effects of the meditation was stronger amongst […]