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Exam Ease

Exam Ease Meditation

I learnt to meditate as a student in high school Considering this was a few years ago (yes, quite a few!) .. I now reflect on what an inspiring and forward thinking opportunity this was. And for me, it was life changing Being a student at any age is tough.  Add to that, being a teenager is […]

Meditation for Exam time

Exam Stress Meditation

I learned to meditate as a student at school. What an inspiring and forward thinking opportunity (especially given this was many years ago!). Australia is now heading into exam time again. Across schools and universities everyone is studying hard .. and so I begin to receive calls from worried parents .. seeking something .. a tool, […]

Meditation + Kids + Holidays

Mind Jar Gratitude

You may have you read my Snowdome metaphor (a way to view the human mind) – if not you can read it HERE – and today I read this totally BRILLIANT post on about a MEDITATION JAR. This was originally posted on as the Mind Jar, it is described as: “A Mind Jar […]

Meditating Before Lectures = Better Grad...

Exam Ease Stress Meditation

A new study released by George Mason University, and published in the journal Mindfulness, has found that students provided with basic meditation instruction (consisting of only six minutes of written meditation exercises) before a lecture, scored better on a quiz that followed. The study also found that the effects of the meditation was stronger amongst […]