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Join Me Online

UPDATE: April 7, 2020. As we all adjust to the ongoing challenges and changes associated with the evolving coronavirus situation .. I shall now be offering ALL AUTUMN CLASSES online through ZOOM (an online meeting space).  BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL to confirm your place and details for entering our online space will then be provided. A Zoom […]

S.E.E.D Meditation

SEED Meditation course

Spring symbolizes: new life, new beginnings, and awakening Spring entices us with so much potentiality and excitement for new projects and adventures, making this an ideal time to start meditating .. as the morning sunlight naturally awakens us with energy to begin, enticing our senses with warm sunlight and fresh garden growth, and inspiring us […]

Attention Deficit Trait

“Modern office life and an increasingly common condition called ‘Attention Deficit Trait’ are turning steady workers into frenzied underachievers” Dr Edward Hallowell, Harvard Business Review What is the major challenge for workers today? Attention! Information overload, distraction and ‘sensory noise’ close down our ability to focus, think clearly and strategically, and effectively make decisions and […]

Meditation Collective

So excited. A long time dream has been birthed. Background: when I started sharing meditation as a teacher, way back in 2009, I met the wonderful teacher Matthew Young from Melbourne Meditation Centre, and I was an instant ‘YES’ to help with a regular meditation gathering called Simply Silence.  We had classes twice a month […]

Happy New Year!

Sankalpa Intention

I do so love a New Year! I love the sense of pure potentiality that the 1st January inspires in me.  Like the first day of school .. and a clear, fresh page to write your dreams and adventures. If you are new to Quiet Mind Meditation .. then welcome! This is our new website […]