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Creativity And Meditation

Quiet Mind Quote Creativity

In meditation we often find that as life, body and mind slow down .. there unfolds a … mental ‘spaciousness’ I often use the analogy of the untidy office desk (akin to the busy mind), always covered with papers, pens, article clippings and the odd coffee mug ..although under all the clutter remains the desk. […]

Birthday Moments

Inspiring Quote Quiet Mind Instagram Henry Miller

Birthday Week Mindful Attention .. Wonderfully wrapped gifts, ribbons and bows (such glorious colours) A bunch of pink roses and tulips (tight buds yet to open) The frosty chill of Winter (startling and intense) Bubbles to celebrate (tickling my nose) Chocolate cake with 100’s & 1000’s on top (crunchy) Hugs (each one exceptionally special) Calls, […]

When To Meditate

Sunrise by Unsplash

In meditation class this week a student asked .. “when is the best time to meditate?” I say .. any time.  Any. Time.  Just sit.  Just meditate. However within the ancient meditation traditions we find there is a definite leaning towards building a regular meditation practice around the ‘magic hours’ .. around the rise and […]

Meditation In The Corporate Environment

meditation research

Two studies released this month which focus specifically on meditation in the corporate environment: #1 Creative Thinking The outcome of a study by cognitive psychologist Lorenza Colzato and fellow researchers at Leiden University, published 19 April in the open-access journal ‘Frontiers in Cognition’, found certain meditation techniques can promote heightened creative thinking. The study investigated […]

To Bow

Bali Girl Bowing

The last Simply Silence meeting (on the 28th July) was led by the amazing Kate James ( : executive and personal coach; and meditation teacher) and I would highly recommend you take a look at Kate’s website and read some of her insightful newsletters. Kate has a very gentle and wise energy and she led the […]