Let us just agree (just between you and me) that this time of the year is .. stressful!

Not only are we barrelling toward a big festive season; with all the planning, cooking, socializing, gifting and engaging, but here in the Southern Hemisphere all our schools and Universities are closing for eight (or more) week’s for long summer break, and in the corporate world there is a push to finalize the years workload before peak annual leave time. There is an urgency vibrating all around us.

It’s enough to stress even the calmest meditator! So, I asked one of my ‘Friends and Favourites‘ Qigong teacher Nicole (from Chi Space) to share her thoughts on getting through the busy festive season:

Nicole Lee Qigong 

Being aware of our energy (Qi) and how our body is functioning is a great way to help ourselves in times of stress and busyness – like the festive season!!

The more awareness we can bring to our physical body the more we can use the information we are observing. For example: Is your jaw tight? Is your back aching? Is your belly rumbling?

Sometimes we are so caught up in our heads, in our intellect, that we don’t hear the whispers or the yelling that our body is communicating to us. When we listen to the body we can respond accordingly… it might just be as simple as actively softening our forehead and brow…. or taking the time to inhale slowly right down towards the abdomen and exhale even more slowly – to activate our parasympathetic nervous system and elicit the relaxation response in the body.

Giving your attention to your energy and your body’s messages – that’s my tip for getting through the festive season with ease and joy.

Qigong Nicole Lee

Nicole shares some amazing practices in her ‘Qigong Quickie’ videos on her YouTube channel.

Subscribe to Nicole Lee Qigong for more Qigong magic.


Would you like a sweet Mindfulness practice especially for the festive season? Check out the POLITE Mindfulness Exercise – Festive Mindfulness