The Focus On series is all about sharing the diversity of meditation journeys and experiences. An opportunity to come together and share stories, practices, and insights .. to listen and learn from each other.

I am presenting at an upcoming Introduction to Wellness Workshop with Mary in a couple of weeks (see details below) and over a lovely breakfast together recently we talked about all the juicy things: meditation, wellness, family, good coffee and finding balance in life.

Name:  Mary Tsiros
Special Interest: Nutrition & Health Coaching

Soul Revolution is Nutrition and Health Coaching for Women. Providing Women with a supportive coaching that assists them to reach their goals and be more confident.



1. Tell us about your special interest
My special interest is in building the self-esteem of females. As a Health Coach, I help women gain confidence by achieving their goals. It saddens me to see many of our girls lose their confidence and self-esteem at such a young age. It prevents them from reaching their true potential.

2. How long have you been practicing, or working in this area? Tell us about your ‘journey’ to this point
Two years ago I was working with a fitness company and though I loved the team I was working with I struggled with the moral issue of selling something to someone who didn’t need it. Too many women came in looking for hope and happiness thinking that attending 6 sessions a week of PUMP would fix that.  At the same time, I was faced with a couple of issues in my life that made me question my values. So I began studying Nutrition and Health Coaching!

I’ve just set up my own practice, Soul Revolution. It has been a tough journey but without it, I wouldn’t be in the position I am today.

3. How did you ‘find’ meditation, and how long have you been practicing meditation?
I first tried meditation as a teenager, struggling with emotions and other issues. I rediscovered it after I had my children. Three years ago I began attending some Buddhist sessions at the Tara Institute and from there meditation made a more consistent appearance in my life.

4. Do you have a regular practice – daily, weekly, other?
No, I don’t have a regular practice but I am aware of when I’m in need of my meditative fix!

5. What inspires you to keep meditating .. returning to your practice?
The need for the peace it brings to me, my soul feels so much stronger afterward.

6. Why do you meditate?
I once read a comment, which I love –

We pray to ask the questions, and we meditate to hear the answer

I don’t believe you need to believe in God to pray. But I love the thought that you can send your pray to the universe and by meditating we can find the answers.

7. Do you have a particular technique(s) that you have found most suitable for you?
Just the simple focusing on the breath works for me. Though I have a guided meditation CD that goes through the different parts of the body as colors.

8. AM or PM? .. Chair, cushion, a stool?
Anytime, anywhere!!

9. Have you a dedicated space for your practice? Where do you meditate?
I love the water so I enjoy meditating on the beach

10. Have you attended a meditation retreat, can you share some of your experience and insights?
I haven’t attended a retreat but would really love to

11. Any favorite books/CDs/Resources that you might share with others?
Buddhism for Mothers by Sarah Napthali
Mind Fitness by Emazon (Emma Chalmers)

12. Any wise words to share with those who are new to meditation?
You don’t have to meditate for hours or sit cross-legged meditation is a personal journey that is meant to give you peace and clarity.

13.7 Random things about you?
* I have completed 3 half marathons
* I love to cook
* Never been to Europe but desperately want to
* I have 3 children
* I read ALOT! (my kids suggested that one!)
* I hate diets
* I have 2 cousins in the UK who are actors and they produce their own plays

Thank you Mary!

If you live in Melbourne you can hear Mary speak at the Introduction to Wellness Workshop being run by Life, Love & Lipstick on Saturday 17th June.

Mary will be talking about life balance and offering some strategies to help you find your balance, and joining her on the day will be Joelene (JSB Kitchen) sharing ways we can tweak our daily meals to improve our health. I will also be sharing a one-hour workshop on ‘a practical approach to meditation‘.

Tickets are only $40 – further details and tickets HERE