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Body Awareness MP3

$10.00 inc gst

Track 4:  Body Awareness

Download now and join us for a guided meditation (33 mins)

Years of living with ongoing stress means that many of us have lost the ability to relax at all. Learning to relax consciously and quickly in any given situation is the first step in meditation. In the Body Awareness Meditation we gently and patiently familiarise our body with what it feels like to be relaxed .. and as the body slows, the mind also slows.


Product description

Guided Meditation CD by Sarah Fletcher

Track 4:  Body Awareness

Download now and join us for a guided meditation (33 mins)

Meditation is an invitation to stop, breathe and be still – in mind and body. The ancient practice of mindful stillness is a perfect antidote for our busy stressful modern lives.

In this meditation we focus our awareness on the body as it gently relaxes .. and as the body starts to settle, so too does the mind. Bringing awareness into our body can provide us with a solid physical anchor for our restlessness. Connecting to our body during meditation also allows us to listen to our body, find areas of tension or tightness, and take steps to relax and release.

The Body Awareness Meditation mindfully anchors our awareness in the step by step relaxation process, allowing us to develop a greater understanding of our self, our senses, our body and our mind.

You can purchase Find The Stillness CD direct from the Quiet Mind Meditation Shop

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