I thought I might share some insight into what happens in our Seasonal Lounge program ..
After all the years of sharing meditation with others, teaching classes, and running corporate programs and retreats .. I really felt like I needed a ‘sacred space’ to hold all the work; bringing with it a greater sense of order! Somewhere that you might escape too for a little bit of personal space, a retreat of sorts. Somewhere you could find a comfy seat, take a breath and reconnect with yourself. Somewhere near a window so you could gaze out at Mother Nature and feel connected to the cycle of life unfolding.
Somewhere like a library LOUNGE
So that, in the Spring sunshine, you could pause to notice the vibrant new growth and the burst of color unfolding around you, and feel even closer to the upward rising yang-energy and the desire to create and reconnect through the Five Senses Meditation. And then in Autumn, which holds a completely different energy, you might explore the wisdom of harvesting; harmonizing your inner and outer worlds with Grounding practices and a Receiving & Releasing Meditation. Setting strong foundational roots in preparation for the challenging shift into Winter.
Listening to the wisdom of the Seasons, to align and balance with their energetic personality, makes perfect sense to me.
Right now, here in the southern hemisphere, we are in the final month of Autumn. We began our meditation journey in March with the theme ‘Grounding‘ guided by the wisdom of preparation; getting ready for the wild transitions ahead by embracing practices that give stability and structure. The middle month of April was themed ‘Heartfulness‘ guided by the wisdom of transition; reminding us to tune inward to our heart, to cultivate kindness and gratitude for the lessons learned so we are ready to witness and accept the inevitability of change in our lives.
Because, May is all about ‘Letting Go’
This final month we reflect on the wisdom of Releasing; understanding that growth and evolution are the gifts of releasing what is worn or out-moded.
Wisely letting go .. gives us the space for new ideas and ways of being.
3 Guided Meditations: 5 Mindfulness Exercises : 3 Rituals
Some participants will go straight to what calls them and start there. Others will move progressively through the ‘menu’ of practices. There is also a Weekly Guide that can be followed, to support your flow through each practice. My recommendation is always to use your own wisdom and intuition to find what you need and START .. because STARTING holds all the power and magic. Each month we explore Meditation, Mindfulness and Sacred Ritual.
Each month begins with a Meditative Exercise to introduce the theme that will be our focus (mindfulness) for the month. In May our ‘Letting Go’ Meditative Exercise is only 10:41min but is designed to give an immediate appreciation of how we might begin practicing Letting Go in our daily life. Finding moments to pause within the busyness of daily life, allows us to shift our attention to our breath and our ability to consciously Let Go: Letting Go of the outside world, Letting Go of our body because we know it is grounded and held by the earth, Letting Go of our breath with trust that it will return, and Letting Go of our need to think or do or be. Just LETTING GO.
We also set an Intention each month
Having a clear and compelling intention for our meditation practice, (our day and our life) gives immense power and direction to our actions and decisions.
Just like a map that faithfully guides our journey to the desired destination.
An Intention Card with a daily mantra is included each month with the suggestion that you print it out and place it somewhere visible. I like to read and recite out loud my intention three times each morning. Building those neural pathways and spicing up my connection and commitment to the monthly path.
When we take our intentions, dreams and positive thoughts, and put them into sacred action: we create a sacred ritual.
This month on the 7th May we had a Full Moon .. so there was a special BONUS 5-page Full Moon Ritual eGuide to inspire our celebrations. There are a variety of elements in this ritual so you can develop your own .. and then be ready for future Full Moon’s. Each Full Moon gifts us a sacred moment to reflect on what might be worn or outmoded in our life .. a ritual for Letting Go.
The Full Moon energy is especially potent for releasing and letting go!
Next week I will share our second week of suggested practices inside The Seasonal Lounge.
Would you like to join us?
There are three membership options and no contracts (hell no .. so you can unsubscribe at any time) but there is also a little incentive to stay on course .. to allow the time needed to build your Seasonal Mindfulness and meditation habit. Each month is also self-directed, so you can download all that you need for the month and get started right away. Each week I keep in contact via email to offer a little tip or insight, and let’s be honest .. to remind you to do your practice!
Got a question? email: sarah@quietmind.com.au