I had my first meditation experience as a teenager. Fast forward over three decades, and my interest and curiosity still drive my daily practice, and fuel my wish to share this journey and passion with others.
Creativity is in fact one of the most exciting benefits I have experienced from my practice. Consistently, the flow of creativity has proven to be one of the most delightful and fulfilling experiences. While innovative ideas and ‘ah-ha‘ moments seldom manifest during meditation, after my practice, as I step out into the world, I am often inundated with a flow of inspiring thoughts and concepts.
This creativity ‘download‘ often propels me to create – quickly. Whether it’s crafting blog posts, articles for publication, writing and recording guided mediations, end engaging in social media, the impulse is strong. And, while this can be very fulfilling, I recently realised that I lack a singular platform, a home for all of these musings.
In essence, I hope that you find what you need within this space.

Autumn 2024
A short Meditative Exercise to explore the power of Letting Go in the moment. Introduction : 60sec. Guided Exercise: 4:29min LISTEN on YouTube Here

Practice Newsletter (Tuesdays from The Meditation Box)
Each Tuesday morning from The Mediation Box. A short practice or ritual following the seasonal theme of ‘the box’. JOIN IN

Insight Timer (Free) App
You’ll find some of my guided meditation (exercise + longer) over on my favourite app InsightTimer. It is my intention in 2024 to focus on sharing more content here. Recently I was invited to also share content on the new MemberPlus platform – LISTEN HERE