Oh, what a delightful Spring weekend … picture-perfect blue skies and warm, aromatic breezes! But as I return to work today, it’s all too clear we’re about to “spring” into a season of high activity and demanding productivity.

Here in the Southern Hemisphere, spring marks the start of the race to year’s end! With Christmas and Boxing Day on the horizon, we first face a whirlwind of carnivals, music festivals, social events, and a heightened sense of impending shopping and purchasing decision.Add to that – the work projects and client deadlines that all need attention before the summer break – and it’s easy to feel a tad overwhelmed.

Amid all this noise and busyness, the ability to focus will be the key to maintaining productivity and a sense of well-being.

Meditation offers a powerful remedy!

Having a regular meditation practice can sharpen concentration, help with managing stress, and give us a calm inner stillness that we can tap into when there is chaos swirling around us. In the lead-up to the end of this year, I’m going to share my Top 10 Daily Meditation Tips giving you some simple yet transformative practices to weave into your day. Each tip is designed to foster connection, ease, and focus.

Let’s start with Tip #1: Mindful Waking.

Mindful Waking 

Start your day by waking gently and early; ideally, just before sunrise. In the quiet stillness of the early morning, before the world stirs, you have a moment to gather yourself (and your thoughts), to set aside time to journal, read something uplifting, do some deep breathing or MEDITATE. I have a morning meditation practice of 20 minutes, which not only encourages my body and mind to settle into a deep sense of peace; but leaves me feeling centered and ready to face the day with a calm mind and relaxed body.

Why Early Mornings? 

Indian yogis and spiritual traditions around the world have long valued early mornings for meditation. Indian yogis believed the early mornings or Amrit Vela (‘amrit’ meaning nectar while ‘vela’ meaning time or moment; time of nectar) was the best time to meditate. Western science also confirms that early mornings are when the pituitary gland sets up our hormonal balance for the day ahead. Meditating in the early, cooler hours of the morning, before the world stirs – is ideal for setting the tone for a balanced, focused day.

How to Build This Habit 

I wasn’t always a morning person! It took me years, and loads of commitment, to eventually start waking almost-effortlessly at the same time every day. Driven mostly by prioritising my morning meditation – I created a habit. With consistency, and patience and kindness, you can start building a morning meditation practice .. by setting your alarm to quietly rouse you a few minutes earlier each day. You will begin to find it easier, and more enjoyable!

A regular morning meditation practice establishes the best possible foundation for the day ahead. You sit, connect with yourself, and embrace possibly your only moment for a little self-care and alone-time, recharging before you get consumed by the racing stream of daily responsibilities and activities.

In Ayurvedic philosophy, it is said that the choices we make regarding our daily routine, either build resistance to disease or tear it down. Meditation is a practice to oxygenate and balance yourself first .. so that you can be a nicer person out in the world.. Use a timer app like Insight Timer to avoid worrying about the time you are taking. You don’t need a long practice- just show up each day.

Simple Morning Practice : Mindful Awareness of the Breath

Guided Awareness of the Breath - Meditation in Daily Life Tip 1

Let me guide you through this simple, practical and powerful guided breath awareness meditative exercise.

A wonderful place to start if you are new to meditation and an exercise that you can do throughout the day to maintain your sense of stability and calm. LISTEN HERE

Meditating early sets a positive tone for the day ahead, allowing you to greet daily challenges with ease and clarity.

Remember, small steps lead to powerful changes!