After exploring The Grace Period last week (Week 1) .. In Week Two we took a deeper and more intimate journey, travelling into our bodies so we might observe all the myriad of sensations and aliveness there – surprisingly alive, even when quietly seated in meditation. Our body is constantly communicating with us, but often […]
Exploring Meditation Course
Join me for a 40-day journey into the transformative power of meditation, addressing some of the common challenges while cultivating a consistent, sustainable and enjoyable personal practice. I sat down to write my first meditation course, way, way back in 2010. I called it Exploring Meditation as it followed, and was inspired, by my own journey to […]
Autumn Meditation Box
It has been such a busy few months, I cannot believe that I have not shared any recent updates on my beautiful Meditation Box! Launched in June 2022, this is my heart work and I have been fully immersed in all the beauty, wonder, frustration and learning that is involved in a new project. To […]
Day 3: Waking Up Ritual
Day 3 of the 31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge, January 2023 What you do the moment you open your eyes in the morning, has a significant impact on setting the tone for the day. Over the years, I have cultivated a Mindful Waking Up ritual that has served me well .. I love the dreamy pause that I […]
Autumn Classes
Autumn is natures call inward .. as life shifts from an outward-focus to a more inner-focus. The seasonal wheel is calling our energy inside, to prepare and transition to darker and colder days. Nature reminds us that change occurs gradually and it may take several weeks for us to notice the that the trees are […]
Day 2: Starting Well
Day 2 of the 31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge, January 2023 Do you use your phone as a morning alarm? If so, do you jump right out of bed and get started with your day? or, do you turn off your alarm and start scrolling through your social media, checking one news feed after another, running […]
Day 1: Letter to Future Self
Day 1 of the 31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge, January 2023 Having a clear vision and sense of connection with a BIG DREAM not only fuels our inner fire but also gives us a kick-start to get going. Today, with the arrival of a fresh New Year, we also have a greater sense of potential and […]
31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge
Each year, as we turn the page to a new year .. I find myself reflecting on my daily rituals and practices. Here in the southern hemisphere it is high Summer, a time when many of us take long summer holidays and life slows down a little .. so there is, in a sense, a […]