After exploring The Grace Period last week (Week 1) ..

In Week Two we traveled deeper into our bodies in order to observe the myriad of sensations and aliveness there – surprisingly alive, even when quietly seated in meditation.

We explored some shorter Meditative Exercises that supported us intention to anchor and reconnect with our bodies .. Bodyfulness, Mindful Movement, Grounding, Exercises to Cultivate, Store and Release Energy, Transformative Walking Meditation and (of course) a wonderful guided Body Scan Meditation where we actually observe the process of relaxation.

Astonishing really .. how much LIFE there is in our body, when we sit in meditation .. and the constant dialogue that goes on between body, mind and breath.

Participants are doing great and spirits were high in our LIVE session this week. It is always lovely to share the space for meditation, even when on different lands!

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The next Exploring Meditation course begins July 22nd (until August 30th) and opens for registration on 1st July.