When I meditate .. I touch the deepest of true peace.
Not all the time. Most of the time.
And because I have been meditating for most of my life, I know that this peace is always within and that my daily meditation practices allows me to tap into that peace, and also continue to cultivate my supply!
So when life gets frantic and overwhelming and noisy .. I know that this refuge of peace is just a breath away. I don’t have to pretend to be peaceful when I am feeling stressed, I don’t have to wait for a holiday or get to a yoga class.
I know that I just have to stop and breathe. And peace is there.
And then, when I walk out into the world, I believe that my attitude and connection with the world – comes from peace. I don’t need to search for it outside, I can BE PEACE.
I wanted to share this truth with you today: you can #BeThePeace
I shared this in my monthly newsletter yesterday ..
I have felt a strong desire to include this ‘hashtag mantra’ in my Instagram feed in recent months.
Whenever I am sharing something, an image or a thought, I love to sign-off each little whisper with #BeThePeace .. knowing that if I can build that deep peace and stillness through my meditation practice, it will inspire and flavor my words and my actions in life .. and if all of my communications and connections come from this place .. maybe we shall find peace on this planet.