Now I am getting excited. Just off a call with Sarah McLean, my teacher and Director of McLean Meditation Institute .. and .. I’M GOING TO WISOM 2.0! “Wisdom 2.0 is a conference tackling one of the biggest challenges of today’s age. Connect through technology, but do so in a way that supports a person’s […]
When I meditate .. I touch the deepest of true peace. Not all the time. Most of the time. And because I have been meditating for most of my life, I know that this peace is always within and that my daily meditation practices allows me to tap into that peace, and also continue to cultivate my […]
The Joy of Bodyfulness
As a meditation teacher, I am constantly seeking out new tools and practices that might nourish and inform my teaching, and my own personal practice. I love that there are now so many different pathways to inner stillness, to insight, and well-being – and access to these learnings. My meditation journey has been grounded largely in […]
Spring Awakening
Welcome SPRING! Here in the southern hemisphere, in Australia, we claim the start of each new season on the 1st day of the relevant month .. so, Spring begins on the 1st September (until 30 Nov). Whereas over in the northern hemisphere the season of Spring starts with the Equinox. I am not sure why […]
A Movie On My Life?
Last week I was asked a couple of questions for a feature on the INSTAGRAM pages of – and the final question took me a few re-writes to nail! 1. TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOU, AND HOW YOU CAME TO START YOUR BUSINESS? I learned to meditate as a teenager, so it has always […]
What Are My Intentions?
If you were watching me at the Australian Meditation Conference last weekend .. you may have noticed a lot of head nodding and smiling, even occasional clapping. Inside my mind, there was a lot of hell-YES and hi-fives! The word that tied it all together for me: CONNECTION So, this morning, after meditation, I felt […]
Conference: Day 2
It has taken me a few days to rest and refresh … and now share with you some of my Day 2 experience at the Australian Meditation Conference (22-34 July 2018). The Sunday program had a general theme and opening address IS MEDITATION MEDICINE? Robin Carnes delivered a beautiful, emotive and genuinely insightful presentation of […]
Australian Meditation Conference
This coming weekend .. I will be filling my cup with meditation! I am attending the weekend-long Australian Meditation Conference being held in Melbourne with the theme Meditation and Society. Presented by the Meditation Association of Australia the conference: “provides a platform for collaborative dialogue between a wide range of speakers interested in the philosophies and applications of […]