Every week, my inbox overflows with a delightful mix of articles, research studies, and news alerts all centered around meditation. Yes, I willingly signed up for this treasure trove of information (rest assured, it’s not spam!), but sometimes the sheer volume can be a bit overwhelming. It’s hard to believe that just a decade ago, meditation was barely a whisper in mainstream media. Now, it’s a vibrant conversation that’s gaining momentum every day!

To make the most of this wealth of knowledge, I’ve decided to dedicate some time each week to sift through the insights that truly catch my eye. I want to share these gems with you so we can all deepen our understanding and engage with the exciting developments in meditation research together.

So, let’s dive into this week’s highlights!

1. Mindfulness Meditations May Improve Migraine Symptoms:

A recent article in MindBodyGreen referred me back to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine (December 2020) which highlighted how mindfulness meditation practices can lead to significant reductions in migraine frequency and severity. This research suggested that incorporating mindfulness techniques into migraine management plans could offer a valuable complementary approach for those suffering from this condition.

+ You can read more here: Original Research and article from MindBodyGreen

2. Benefits of Deep Breathing and Why It Works:

A recent article that popped up a few times this week, around the benefits of deep breathing meditation, was featured on Psychology Today. It discusses how slow, deep breathing exercises can significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, while also improving focus and overall well-being. Research indicates that these practices activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and comfort. The article highlighted findings from systematic reviews that demonstrate the physiological changes triggered by deep breathing, such as increased heart rate variability and activation of the vagus nerve, which enhances mood and emotional regulation​.

+ You can read more here: Psychology Today and try one of my most popular guided breathing exercises on Soundcloud – the 4-7-8 Breath here

I hope you find something that resonates with you in this weeks ‘meditation in the news’.

Having this opportunity to pause, read and share from my inbox was actually quite fun .. and therapeutic as I was able to happily delete old emails, knowing that I have a record here. xx Sarah