It feels sooooo good to be back.
This Sunday (27th June) was FINALLY the day when we gathered back in the studio for meditation.
First there was the Four Steps Workshop and then Meditation, Mindfulness + Tea.
It was so good. Like taking a beautifully rich and wholesome inhalation and feeling just a little giddy and elated at the top of the breath. I came home floating .. just so happy to be sharing my passion for meditation and being able to offer a lovely space, with the Winter sunshine dappled through the big trees outside and having a big pot of tea to share with everyone.
At last.
So while II work out a better way to offer these weekly classes .. please find below offeI am beyond thrilled to now invite you to join me for some small group (max. 12) meditation offerings at the Yoga Station in Sandringham. There are two Sunday offerings:
Meditation, Mindfulness + Tea
Every Sunday
4pm to 5pm
Investment: Casual Class $20 / Month Pass (4 classes) $60
What Shall We Do?
*we shall begin with a cup of tea. I shall bring a variety of herbal tea
*a brief introduction to a topic or theme to inspire us
*start with a Mindfulness practice, 10-15min warm up.
*possibly another cup of tea!
*a longer guided meditation of approx. 20min (as a guide)
What to bring
*a cushion/bolster/block that you would like to sit on
*a shawl or light blanket to cover your back and keep you warm and cocooned
I am encouraging you to bring your own meditation support items .. so you can get a better feel for what works for you, begin building a sense of connection with your practice, and so you can take that home with you.
Venue: Yoga Station 3/52 Bay Road, Sandringham VIC 3191
Four Steps: Learn to Meditate Workshop
Sunday 25th July or 29th August
12:30pm – 3:30pm
Investment: $65
Four simple steps.
Think of it as a map .. I have ‘deconstructed’ the elements of a formal meditation practice and found four key steps that will guide you in building a personal meditation practice, with the knowledge to adjust and adapt your path to suit YOU.
These Four Steps will give you a solid foundation for meditation with a gentle focus on mindfulness, body and breath awareness, and mantra.
This might be all that you ever need.
Venue: Yoga Station 3/52 Bay Road, Sandringham VIC 3191