Brrr .. it is bitterly cold here in the southern hemisphere today. Maybe it’s simply the stark comparison of today’s drizzling rain and grey cloud cover, following three days of blissful sunshine and clear blue skies. I do love sunshine, even more so in Winter.

For my morning meditation practice (in pre-dawn darkness) this morning, I made sure that I was sweetly rugged up in my blanket and sitting upright in bed … and then, because it is Wednesday, I returned to my meditation posture (and blanket) at 9am for our weekly guided meditation practice LIVE on Instagram, another opportunity to Pause. Rest. Refresh. 

Were you there?

Winter is deep yin-energy, when nature looks inactive on the surface but is busy with deeper work below the surface. 

And for us humans, we experience that same calling .. to come inside, to pause and rest and hibernate, to take some time for reflection and our own deeper work.

This invitation inward … is a wonderful time to start a personal meditation practice.

Will you join me?

Four Steps: Learn to Meditate Workshop

Sunday 27th June Workshop – 1pm to 4pm

Investment: $65

Sun. 27th June – Book Here

Four simple steps.

Think of it as a map. I have deconstructed a formal meditation practice and found four key elements or steps that will guide you in building a personal meditation practice, with the knowledge to adjust and adapt your path to suit YOU.

These Four Steps will give you a solid foundation for meditation with a gentle focus on mindfulness, body and breath awareness, and mantra.

This might be all that you ever need.

Four Steps: ONLINE

Commencing Sunday 4th July

Investment: $65 – Book Here

Not local? Then take the Four Steps meditation workshop online. 

Each week you will receive instruction and a guided meditation for your weekly practice.

Each week we take another step, each week building our understanding, confidence and practice. You will be able to access all content online (until end of August) and listen to our LIVE session recordings (if you are unable to make our weekly Zoom sessions).

Sat 3rd July : Welcome Pack goes out ⁣so you can prepare for the journey
Sun. 4th July : Receive weekly practice each Sunday
Each Wed. a LIVE practice session on Zoom

.. step by step⁣, each step a meditation.