This is where I meditated this morning.
By the pool .. sitting quietly with the sound of running water, smell of frangipani and warm tropical breeze on my skin.
And the mozzies!
Sitting with the beautiful and the annoying ..
the mish mash of life in the moment
Having a regular meditation practice allows me to just stop where I am, in any moment that I choose, and find refuge within. It is like coming home.
I know that a regular meditation practice is totally life affirming and life supporting .. that is why I designed the Quiet Mind Meditation E-Course to share this ancient life tool with those who perhaps cannot get to a class, or simply don’t DO classes, or if your stuck at the desk or busy with life.
The E-Course is perfect if you are on holiday, in the office or recuperating in bed. Wherever you are right now .. you can just START.
There is no more perfect time than NOW