*A Downloadable PDF Going on a meditation retreat is a rare and magical opportunity to pause and be still, to rest and heal, to reflect and ignite our spirit. Earlier this year (January 2016) I attended an eight-day meditation intensive retreat .. which included vast periods of meditation along with lessons on mindfulness, the yoga […]
Meditation Reading Room
I was cleaning my meditation space yesterday .. and realised there was a growing pile of wisdom (ie books) staring at me! ‘No time like the present’ I thought .. and knowing that I will need some accountability to read and share these wonderful books .. today I have launched the Reading Room. I am […]
Peeling Back The Layers
I was only seventeen when I first learnt to meditate and I had my first ah-ha moment. Time and space stood still that very first time I closed my eyes and found my breath. I peeled back the first layer of the onion That first meditation experience opened up a whole new inner world and […]