10 Tips for Bringing Meditation Into Your Day Currently, I’m sharing my top 10 tried-and-tested ways to bring meditation and mindfulness into daily life. The very same practices that have kept me anchored for (well) over twenty years. I believe these are simple, practical, and (most importantly) doable for everyone who wishes to self-manage their […]
A Day Of Meditation: Tip #1
10 Tips for Incorporating Meditation into Your Day: Tip #1 Earlier this week, I shared insights from a Harvard Business Review article on the ‘attention economy’ … how the overwhelming flood of information we consume daily is turning us into skimmers rather than readers. So, it’s no surprise that our ability to focus is rapidly […]
Integrating Meditation into Your Day
How to Integrate Meditation and Mindfulness into Your Day – for Better Focus and Wellbeing! When I started offering corporate meditation, way back in 2009, I read an article citing research from Harvard Business School that highlighted a powerful truth which truly resonated: “Meditation and intuition are the two most valuable executive tools for the […]
Meditation in the News: 19.01.25
Coming back to a fresh New Year and my inbox is full of meditation news and articles! Here are a couple that I found most interesting .. 1. David Lynch, filmaker and TM advocate: David Lynch, the legendary filmmaker celebrated for his surreal and dreamlike works, was also a lifelong advocate for Transcendental Meditation (TM). […]
Start Meditating 2025!
Is it time you started meditating? or perhaps re-committing to your practice? We start our next Exploring Meditation course next week. But, I’ve been so summer-holiday-rested … I’ve forgotten to share this outside of our small community. If you’re feeling ready to START … you can find all the details here. Or message me if […]
Meditation in the News: 18.12.24
This week there some wonderful news in my inbox .. 1. World Meditation Day – 21 December: The United Nations has officially declared December 21 as World Meditation Day, recognising the transformative benefits of meditation for physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. This landmark decision, supported by nations including Nepal, India, and Sri Lanka, aligns with […]
New Year .. New Practice!
Time to start a regular, sustainable .. and enjoyable, meditation practice? Welcome to Exploring Meditation Join me for our next 40-day journey to discover the transformative power of meditation. Together we will explore a variety of meditation techniques, and address some common challenges, to begin building a consistent, sustainable, and enjoyable at-home meditation practice. Next Course: 6th […]
Meditation in the News: 27.11.2024
This week there was a forward focus in my inbox .. 1. Wellness Trends: There is a growing focus on future trends the closer we get to a new year, and I have been reading about ‘slow fitness’ and ‘slow living’ within the wellness industry. There is talk of a shift towards preventative health practices […]