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the meditation box

a subscription box to inspire and support your meditation practice.

online meditation classes

Autumn 2024 COMING SOON

guided meditations

Autumn 2024 COMING SOON

Day 2: Starting Well

Day 2 : Starting the Day Well

Day 2 of the 31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge, January 2023 Do you use your phone as a morning alarm? If so, do you jump right out of bed and get started with your day? or, do you turn off your alarm and start scrolling through your social media, checking one news feed after another, running […]

Day 1: Letter to Future Self

Day 1 : 31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge

Day 1 of the 31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge, January 2023 Having a clear vision and sense of connection with a BIG DREAM not only fuels our inner fire but also gives us a kick-start to get going. Today, with the arrival of a fresh New Year, we also have a greater sense of potential and […]

31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge

31-Day Mindful Wellbeing Challenge

Each year, as we turn the page to a new year .. I find myself reflecting on my daily rituals and practices. Here in the southern hemisphere it is high Summer, a time when many of us take long summer holidays and life slows down a little .. so there is, in a sense, a […]

Spring Awakening

the Meditation Box LIVE

The wisdom of Spring is Renewal. Rebirth. Awakening. Oh hello! Hey there! Yes .. it’s been a while since I have posted. You might say, I took a Winter retreat, which is totally in alignment with the wisdom of Winter: a slowing down, shifting inward, reflection and rest. I was blessed to be invited away […]

Birthday Sale!

wild sale

The wisdom of Autumn is the power of Letting Go. And while Letting Go is never easy, until we release what is no longer needed – there is no room for growth. Right now, with the birth of The Meditation Box, I am surrounded by boxes, papers, receipts, products (oh, such wonderful products), ribbons and […]

Founding Member Launch

the Meditation Box LIVE

I have been busy over the past few months bringing to life a little seed of an idea that I had many years ago. That little seed held much promise but also needed a bigger space to grow; so it has been through times of intense attention, and then left alone for long periods to […]

the Meditation Box

the Meditation Box

Introducing … the Meditation Box. A subscription box to inspire and support your meditation practice. It’s a real box. Delivered straight to your door* Each season, or four times a year (Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter) we shall be mindfully selecting products and experiences to help you start a personal meditation practice, and continue to […]

February is Creativity


Creativity: the use of imagination or original ideas to create something .. inventiveness Creativity is essentially a process. Creativity is a process that uses multiple parts of the brain. And when one practices meditation and mindfulness there is the element of mind-training that can optimize and support the brain function needed during each stage of the […]