Bouncy Bodies, Happy Minds
Fun 4- week program for PRE TEENS: – 9-14 yrs
When: THURSDAYS 4.30-5.30 pm
Date: 10Nov–1Dec ($80)
Where: U-Bounce Beach Hub – 4/81 Beach Road , Sandringham
Are you looking for a fun exercise program in a non-competitive, relaxed environment, where your children will get to explore their own bodies and mind and release stress and tension ?
In this program designed specifically for children, Gaby Robinson (U-bounce Fitness) and myself (Sarah, Quiet Mind Meditation) will be combining invigorating and energising rebounding exercises (in a fun, happy and playful way) to release any tension or anxiety and tap into our happy hormone stores, with the quieter mindfulness of movement practices (based on qigong, yoga and tai chi ) to encourage the body and mind to naturally shift inward. Worrying thoughts, anxiety, mental and emotional tension will be silenced, as we sit calmly for a guided meditative exercise to engage and quieten the mind.
These are life skills that can be taken into daily life to release stress, rebalance the breath and heighten self-awareness
Who are we?
We are two local Bayside mums, who became friends a few years ago and love helping people feel amazing.
Gaby discovered rebounding as part of her fitness journey about 6 years ago, when she turned from couch potato to fitness lover and subsequently completed a fitness certificate to teach and enlighten others about the magic fitness can provide to your body , mind and soul. U-bounce Fitness was born in October 2014 and we have been bouncing around Bayside ever since. I am passionate about people of all ages and making them feel happy and healthy , however in particular love children and their enthusiasm for rebounding and life in general. They are naturally drawn to it. My two children (one pre-teen & a teenager) now see rebounding part of their daily life, as there is one planted in our family room . Our Labrador Billy thinks what’s good for us, is good for him and simply loves having his little snooze on it!
Sarah (if you don’t read my blog here at Quiet Mind Meditation) .. I learnt to meditate when I was just 17 years old, and have now had a personal practice for more than 30 years. In 2009, I started Quiet Mind Meditation to share my passion for meditation. I am a certified Mindfulness & Meditation Teacher and member of Meditation Australia Association, and have completed specialist training in order to share this life skill with children and teenagers. I live in Bayside, and I am the proud mama of a teenage daughter and nine year old cavoodle.
How do I book
Please email : for an Enrolment form with all details. Numbers are limited to 12 children (min. 6)
What do I need to bring: BYO waterbottle, soft blanket, cushion or pillow if you like and a small snack
It is advisable not to eat 1 hour before class, however we will have a small break after the U- bouncing part, so you can eat your snack then. We bounce in socks or barefoot).
I can’t make it on Thursdays, are there any other days or do you offer this program for older kids? Not yet, however please send us an email and we add you to our mailing list to keep you in the loop (
We are planning on expanding this program in 2017 and may also run some January school holiday fun days! Stay tuned ..
You may wish to follow us on facebook/Instagram
instagram: ubounce_fitness; quietmindmeditation