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Top 5 Common Meditation Challenges

#2 – It didn’t work Tip: Let go of the idea that there’s a “right way” to meditate and there is no goal to achieve. Approach each meditation as a invitation to gently practice presence, without any pressure to achieve. Then, notice how you feel after your practice .. and how you are showing up […]

The Summer Meditation Box

Have you heard about our seasonal Meditation Box? The idea had been bubbling along for a while, not ready to be announced or brought to life .. until the lockdowns began during the pandemic, and slowly each studio and class venue that I had used to share my passion for meditation was closed. My community […]

Meditation in the News: 13.10.24

Meditation in the News: 13.10.24

This week in meditation some creative developments and innovative resources. 1. BuddhaAI: The German Buddha Stiftung (Buddha Foundation) has launched BuddhaAI, an AI-powered companion designed to answer questions on secular Buddhism, meditation, and ethical living, catering to both beginners and seasoned practitioners. BuddhAI has been designed as an inspiring companion, a tool to help individuals explore […]

Meditation in the News: 6.11.24

1. Mindfulness and Sleep Improvement: A study published by the University of South Florida showed that regular mindfulness practices can significantly improve sleep quality by helping individuals manage emotional rumination. The study tracked 144 nurses over two weeks and findings suggested that both trait and state mindfulness can have positive effects on subjective sleep quality, […]

Top 5 Common Meditation Challenges

Quiet Mind Meditation Top 5 Challenges

A few years ago, I was approached by a journalist to contribute to an article, “What’s the biggest (and most common) mistake you see people making in regards to starting a meditation practice?” I remember thinking, ‘Oh, where do I start?’  I had been teaching meditation for a few years, and felt I had some solid […]

Meditation in the News

1. Mindful Meditation and Pain Reduction: The headline “scorching study” definitely caught my eye this week! And this was an interesting article covering research from UC San Diego, showing how mindful meditation reduces pain, not by placebo (previously surmised), but by altering brain patterns linked to self-awareness and emotional regulation, essentially separating pain from the […]

Meditation + Seasonal Mindfulness

Seasonal Mindfulness Classes

This is my invitation to breathe into the seasons with me. An invitation to gather together on the second Wednesday evening of each month, for a moment to pause, reflect, and tap into the wisdom nature offers us in every phase of the year. As the Earth shifts, so too does our inner world, and […]

Daily Meditation: Top 10 Tips

Quiet Mind Meditation - Daily Tip 1

Oh, what a delightful Spring weekend … picture-perfect blue skies and warm, aromatic breezes! But as I return to work today, it’s all too clear we’re about to “spring” into a season of high activity and demanding productivity. Here in the Southern Hemisphere, spring marks the start of the race to year’s end! With Christmas […]