I have always loved the fresh new-page feel of a New Year.
Since starting Quiet Mind Meditation (in 2009) it has been my ritual to book time with myself on NYE. Most years I will choose to spend the evening with myself and my dreams, but if there is a special party to attend I will make sure that I have the evening prior or at least a few hours set aside. One year I booked into a hotel, one year I house-sat the home of a friend who went away, but most years it is in my own sacred space, at home, where I step away and prepare for the year ahead.
I am going to share my own NYE Ritual with you in another post soon.
But, it is my meditation practice that offers me the greatest gifts and insights to this NY process .. it is my ‘super-power’ (as my daughter said once). Every day I have this opportunity to tune-into my intuition and the quiet voice within so that I can make my daily decisions and choices in alignment with my BEST ME!
Meditation is an incredibly simple, but also powerful, life-changing and life-affirming practice .. and one that I believe everyone can learn and enjoy.
So this NYE I have a new addition to my ritual .. as I will be sending out a WELCOME email to those joining me for the 30-day online journey to meditation
30-Day’s to Meditation : Starting 1st January 2021
*Each Wednesday & Sunday a guided meditation (audio) for the week’s practice. We begin with just a few minutes and slowly build our sense of ease and stillness over the course of the month. These are downloadable and yours to keep.
*Each day a short email lesson that you can read in just a few minutes. This will give you straightforward and clear instructions with each lesson building on the last.
So .. by the end of January, with your full participation, you will have established an enjoyable and confident personal meditation practice: a deeper sense of calm and ease in daily life, ability to observe your thoughts and not get consumed in them, to hear your intuition and inner wisdom, hold steady and be present for daily moments of happiness – and have a greater sense of living your BEST LIFE.
This is a journey that brings together insights from both traditional meditation instruction and current scientific research, to support you in developing a foundational meditation practice grounded in breath awareness, mindfulness and mantra.
This journey is for you, if you ..
* wish to find a confident and effortless stillness and ease in life, you’ve heard that it is possible and most likely already within you, but you can’t quite find the doorway
* realize that constant busyness and stress is not the way to happiness or abundance, but you’re caught in a pattern that you’d like to unravel and reset
* you’re keen to learn how to observe your thoughts and behaviours, rather than being reactive and feeling overly triggered
* you’re clearly not getting enough efficient and effective sleep and that’s only adding to your sense of disconnection and overwhelm
* you’ve got some spaciousness and time this January, so this is the ideal time to get started with meditation
* you are ready to honour your best self and your wellness
Over 30 Days, you will learn ..
* how to connect more deeply with meditation as a whole of life practice; embracing some formal seated practice and informal daily mindfulness exercises
* about your superpower – your breath – and how your breath can significantly influence your state of mind, actions, behaviour and mood
* develop a sense of curiosity and playfulness through mindfulness that increases our sense of awe with the world around and within us
* the power of mantra to quieten the barrage of thoughts and negative mind chatter that can overtake our sense of being present in life
* learn how to integrate these practices into daily life
* realize that you have the power to correct the course of your own life