In this new world that calls for us to find community online .. I have cleared and prepared a new space for sharing meditation.
I believe, well I know, that meditation is the most readily available and powerful life skill that we have to help us live our best life! A regular meditation practice can not only enhance our physical, emotional, and spiritual health but positively impact our sense of wellbeing and connection with the world.
So over these quiet months .. I have put on my ‘I can do this’ hat (and big-girl pants) to try and create something beautiful and supportive and nourishing over on this new teaching platform HERE … please come take a look!

My passion project.
Seasonal guidance for living in harmony with the energy of the seasons.
Four issues each year.

Membership (community) Hub.
Following my Seasonal Mindfulness Calendar, we are guided in our meditation and personal practices to enhance and align the connection between our inner and outer worlds.
Each month has a new theme for mindful focus.

A great place to start.
Practical and powerful exercises to dissolve stress, tension, and overwhelm. They may only require a small time commitment .. but they offer a priceless investment in your wellbeing!
Do your health a favour!

Four simple steps
Think of it as a map .. these four steps will guide you in building a personal meditation practice, along with the knowledge to adjust and adapt to suit YOU!
These Four Steps will give you a solid foundation for meditation including mindfulness, body and breath awareness, and mantra.

A quiet space.
Yes, you can bring your cup of tea, maybe even a muffin, and then settle in and explore some meditation resources including video, audio, and pdf.
The Library is NEW so stay tuned as I catalogue new items regularly.
I am feeling truly blessed at this moment. This period of isolation has been, without doubt, challenging and unsettling, but I can also now look back over my shoulder and see the gift: the spaciousness that has allowed me to create and gather, to bring my class and workshop notes, thoughts from my own 30+ year meditation practice and 12+ years of teaching .. and bring it all home to this new space.
And, I have even more little gifts on the way ..
What do you need? I am always keen to hear from those new to meditation, sitting on the fence about meditation, or seasoned practitioners so that I can consider how I might continue to support and nourish your practice. Reach out ..