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Bali 2017

Bali 2017

Way back in 2016, I was dreaming of a month (or two, or three) in Bali for this year 2017. I had an idea for a book, a meditation retreat to attend, and a host of exciting locations and projects to explore. And I really wanted to escape the Melbourne winter. But .. life got […]


Bali Om

Perhaps you have heard the chant Om in yoga class, seen the car sticker or purchased the greeting card .. but do you know what OM means? Sometimes we can all be guilty of picking up Eastern symbols and rituals without really knowing what they mean .. so here goes (disclaimer : I am no […]

Bali Bound

Bali Bound

I am about to jump on a plane to Bali .. and I am beyond excited. Last time I was in this magical place I was on a yoga and meditation retreat and I made a life changing decision .. to share my passion for meditation with the world and so started my journey with […]