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The call of Autumn

Sandy Village Meditation

Autumn is natures time of harvest, gathering and storing what might be needed for the journey ahead into Winter. A time for Preparing the nest and the pantry for the colder and darker days. Transitioning from yang-energy to quieter yin-energy. Releasing what is no longer needed so there is space for the new. The Season […]

Birthday Week Special

It’s that time of the year (eye roll). Birthdays are really not my ‘thing’ and I tend to avoid the day or too much celebrating. But I am excited this year to be able to spend some real time with family and friends .. after 84 days of isolation! and .. I am also excited: […]

A Unique Experience

I have meditated in many different locations and spaces over my life, and taught others to meditate in many different venues and circumstances .. but recently I found myself doing both in a truly unique environment. It began with an email calling out for meditation teachers who might be interested in leading a free lunchtime […]

Doors Now Open

I am super excited to now share with you all .. a new space for exploring meditation, mindfulness and daily life rituals as guided by the wisdom of the seasons. It’s called THE LOUNGE My intention is to bring a seasonal perspective to our practices .. to heighten our awareness of the unique gifts that […]

Gratitude Changes Everything ..

pink balloon white chair gratitude

Sharing meditation is my heart work. From my first meditation experience (as a 17yo) I held a secret yearning to share this amazing life tool with others. In recent years that desire to share my experience and support others on their meditation journey has been .. consuming! Finding creative, enticing and nourishing ways to encourage […]

Bali Magic

Finns Beach Bali

We are back home .. in Melbourne. And yet I feel I have had to also leave home. My magical Bali home .. This holiday was a long anticipated dream that finally came together at the last moment.  Along with my teenager and a few special friends I have spent the last few weeks soaking […]

Quiet Mind In Pigeonhole Magazine

article Pigeonhole Magazine

So very honoured to have contributed an article “Each Step A Meditation” to this months Pigeonhole magazine.  A walking meditation is an excellent practice if you find yourself too restless or energetic to sit in a more formal seated practice, and can be done during your lunch hour or whenever you have a few minutes to […]