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Bali 2017

Bali 2017

Way back in 2016, I was dreaming of a month (or two, or three) in Bali for this year 2017. I had an idea for a book, a meditation retreat to attend, and a host of exciting locations and projects to explore. And I really wanted to escape the Melbourne winter. But .. life got […]

Attending A Meditation Retreat

retreat ebook

*A Downloadable PDF Going on a meditation retreat is a rare and magical opportunity to pause and be still, to rest and heal, to reflect and ignite our spirit. Earlier this year (January 2016) I attended an eight-day meditation intensive retreat .. which included vast periods of meditation along with lessons on mindfulness, the yoga […]

Re-Entry Into ‘Normal’ Life

Principles Meditation

Most spiritual and wisdom traditions speak of the power of retreating .. an opportunity to step away from the complexity of daily life and shift awareness inward.  For 2,500 years, meditation retreats have been a central part of the Buddhist path of awakening. Retreat:  A period of withdrawal from the world I have just returned […]

Peeling Back The Layers

Onions Rebecca Hewson Peeling Layers Meditation

I was only seventeen when I first learnt to meditate and I had my first ah-ha moment. Time and space stood still that very first time I closed my eyes and found my breath. I peeled back the first layer of the onion That first meditation experience opened up a whole new inner world and […]