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the meditation box

a subscription box to inspire and support your meditation practice.

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Autumn 2024 COMING SOON

guided meditations

Autumn 2024 COMING SOON

Monthly Meditation Musing

Monthly Meditation Musing

Autumn the season of transition. As I tentatively make exciting plans to return to in-person classes and the joy of building my Seasonal Lounge community, I have come face-to-face with having a limited amount of time and energy .. and, just as the tree must loose it’s leaves so that the light can shine through, […]

#6 of 52 Reasons Why

Less Colds and Flu

April Update: I was hacked! I have been a little MIA from the online world recently after waking one morning to find all manner of mischief having rained down on my digital world. [Long, slow, deep breath]. After jumping into action, calling friends, and wandering aimlessly on the webs for support .. also checking if […]

Inside The Linez 2020

Inside The Lines

This week I met the creator of a really beautiful and super unique creative project called ‘Inside the Linez‘. Sharni found me online and after a brief telephone conversation jumped in her car and came down to meet me after my beachside meditation class (still running each Wednesday at 5 pm on the Sandringham Foreshore) .. and […]

The call of Autumn

Sandy Village Meditation

Autumn is natures time of harvest, gathering and storing what might be needed for the journey ahead into Winter. A time for Preparing the nest and the pantry for the colder and darker days. Transitioning from yang-energy to quieter yin-energy. Releasing what is no longer needed so there is space for the new. The Season […]

#5 of 52 Reasons Why


Welcome! As a long-time meditator (25+ years) and meditation teacher for more than 12 years, I am on a mission to inspire you to start meditating. So, each week (in 2021) I will be sharing one reason why you should start meditating. Now, I know there are way more  than 52 good and important reasons […]

#4 of 52 Reasons Why

#4 of 52 Reasons Why

I have been meditating for most of my life (more than 25 years) and I can confidently say, there are way more than 52 reasons why you should meditate, but I shall be sharing some current research, and insights from my own laboratory (my own practice) once a week for the whole year (2021) which you can […]

#3 of 52 Reasons Why


Each week this year I shall be posting one Reason to Meditate .. with reference to some current research and my own practice (personal laboratory) so by the end of 2021 there should be #52ReasonsToMeditate shared. You can find the post here and also on LinkedIn (come say hello here! I learned to meditate as a teenager .. so, from my […]

#2 of 52 Reasons Why

I learned to meditate as a teenager .. so, from my own personal experience, I can confidently confirm that there are way more than 52 reasons why you should meditate! Each week this year, I have the intention to post one Reason to Meditate .. so by the end of 2021 there should be #52ReasonsToMeditate […]