Hello. It has been awhile. Other than semi-regular posts on my Instagram and Facebook pages, I realised recently that I have been a bit distracted and disconnected from my website. There is easy-ness to posting on the visual types of social media, like Instagram and Facebook. I can share pictures without having to dive very […]
Meditation Research Update
Brain changes that link mindfulness meditation with health-related benefits New research from Carnegie Mellon University provides a window into the brain changes that link mindfulness meditation training with health in stressed adults. Published in Biological Psychiatry, the study shows that mindfulness meditation training, compared to relaxation training, reduces Interleukin-6, an inflammatory health biomarker, in high-stress, […]
Meditation for Exam time
I learned to meditate as a student at school. What an inspiring and forward thinking opportunity (especially given this was many years ago!). Australia is now heading into exam time again. Across schools and universities everyone is studying hard .. and so I begin to receive calls from worried parents .. seeking something .. a tool, […]
Stress: Money & Work
We know that too much stress can have a significant negative affect on our sense of wellbeing .. and impact not only on our view of the world, but also our relationships at home, in the office and a continuing ripple effect on friends and community. New statistics from a global study by the workspace […]
The Split-Screen
Truly excellent article by Arianna Huffington from The Huffington Post Media Group this week on LinkedIn (you can follow Arianna via groups). The article provides an insight into the American ‘split-screen’ world where stressful work life and focus on the bottom line is meeting a growing awareness of the costs of stress, not just in […]
Meditation & Multi-tasking
A study from the University of Washington Information School professors David Levy and Jacob Wobbrock suggests that meditation training can help people working with information stay on tasks longer with fewer distractions and also improves memory and reduces stress. “To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore how meditation might affect multitasking in […]
Are you doing it?
A recent national poll commissioned by Lifeline Australia found that 91% of adult Australians feel stress in at least one important area of their lives, and more alarmingly, 41% of Australians indicated they were experiencing unhealthy levels of stress. Research into meditation continues to show a wide range of mental and physical benefits that can […]