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The call of Autumn

Sandy Village Meditation

Autumn is natures time of harvest, gathering and storing what might be needed for the journey ahead into Winter. A time for Preparing the nest and the pantry for the colder and darker days. Transitioning from yang-energy to quieter yin-energy. Releasing what is no longer needed so there is space for the new. The Season […]

Whispering Spring

Spring meditation classes

COVID UPDATE: at this time, here in Melbourne (Australia) we are under Stage Four restrictions and so all my classes and events are only available online through ZOOM (online meeting space) until further notice. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL to confirm your place and details for entering our online space will then be provided. Stay safe. Stay […]

S.E.E.D Meditation

SEED Meditation course

Spring symbolizes: new life, new beginnings, and awakening Spring entices us with so much potentiality and excitement for new projects and adventures, making this an ideal time to start meditating .. as the morning sunlight naturally awakens us with energy to begin, enticing our senses with warm sunlight and fresh garden growth, and inspiring us […]

Meditation : February

Summer. Think: energy, action, lightheartedness, fun and inner vitality This is often why we feel compelled to make changes in our life at this time of year.  This is a potent time for reflecting and reconnecting with our dreams for the future. It is also a powerful time to start a personal meditation practice and […]